
Our services to our clients are based on four pillars:

Our clients judge us on the quality of our work. Whether we are asked to inspect a consignment of palm oil or organise the just-in-time delivery of a customer's goods, we are fully aware that our work represents the basis for our clients' products and processes. To underline that understanding, Krudo HSC B.V. is ISO-certified and member of numerous trade and professional organisations.

Our clients can count on a fully independent and objective report regarding the quality and quantity of their raw materials. This is guaranteed by our highly-trained and experienced inspectors.

Throughout our 125-year history, integrity and reliability have always been a core feature of our work. That our clients appreciate this is reflected by the fact that Krudo HSC B.V. is one of the oldest companies in its field - something we are proud of.

Finally, Krudo HSC B.V. is a typical Rotterdam company - we make sure the job gets done!